One of the world's leading sourcing experts who has visited over 500 factories and sourced over 2,500 products. Kian manufactures for brands such as the NBA, United Nations, Olympics, as well as big-box retailers and Amazon sellers. Kian specializes in product design, development, manufacturing best practices, how to find the right supplier, price negotiation, and much more!
Designed, developed, sourced, and manufactured over 2,500 products.
Manufactured products for the NBA, United Nations, Olympic Games, Ministry of Defense as well as for some of the world's top athletes such as Kobe Bryant
Mentored over 200 Amazon entrepreneurs on better sourcing practices
Board Member of Sedex, a world-leading organization for empowering responsible supply chains for Fortune 500 companies
Spoken at international events in Hong Kong, Los Angeles, China, London, Prague, Amsterdam, Las Vegas and many more.
Created brands for UK big box retailers such as Tesco, Argos, Aldi and more
Won numerous international awards including the 2017 Sunday Times Fast Track Award for Top 100 UK Companies in Export Growth